There’s a connection the hobbyist gardener feels with the earth, a grateful warmth that flows through the person’s very being into the soil beneath the feet.

    Wjp is the hobbyist gardener in our home.  For the family, the garden is a refuge from the outside stressors.  It is a peaceful retreat that provides a meditative space as we relax, enjoying the ever-changing display of nature, subject to the changing seasons and the gardener’s fancy.

For those of us, who have loved ones who love to garden, there’s a gratefulness that envelopes us as we enjoy the continual effort that results in the tranquility of a space we can retreat to.

  It is such fun to see and hear the birds as they hop from one tree to another, the squirrels partaking of an abundance of fruits the gardener leaves untouched on the trees for them.  Someone who gets a bigger delight is the pooch who absolutely has to protect his little kingdom, resting in the shade after an exhilarating chase, content that the rascally squirrel is nowhere near.

  In our little home, the backyard isn’t big but to the intrepid hobbyist gardener, he sees an opportunity to showcase his creativity and gardening knowhow.  It is a challenge that he thrives on and as the days, weeks, seasons move on, thanks to his eye for detail and a very talented green thumb, the garden comes to life, exploding with colors, tempting our local birds to visit and thus bringing into our surroundings, the beautiful melody and chatter of birds and squirrels.

In spring, the vibrant colors pop.

The neighbor’s creepers begin their cascade over the fence while an errant tendril plays peekaboo between the boards. 

  The greenhouse, set up to maximize what could be grown in an exacting environment, soon gives the family a continual supply of everyday produce. 

 In summer, the calm sound of the water beckons our little feathered friends to pause awhile and quench their thirst, cooling their feathers as they shake off the grime on a hot, humid day.

  As days go by, the garden is a source of joyful calm, painting a variety of scenes, coloring the earth during spring, summer and fall. 

Sitting quietly, mindfully taking in the sights, sounds and smells around you, you are rewarded with the sight of birds hopping from one branch to another, the hum of a hummingbird, a dragonfly gently settling on a stalk, a ladybird gracefully making its way through the greens, the sun shining through the flowers making them glow.

  As winter approaches, few perennials hang on while, for the others, the leaves are stripped away, the starkness of nature laying bare the secret hideaways of the myriad of creatures that once found refuge among her lushness.

  Finally, when night falls, the lights dim, the gardener puts away his tools and the garden goes quiet – that is, until the glow of a moonlit night lights it up again, exposing the secret lives of the scurrying bodies, busy getting things done before daylight  – the neighboring mice, racoons, an occasional skunk passing by and the sweet little possum hesitantly making its way across the fence…our beautiful little paradise, our hobbyist’s garden.


  1. Your Gardner has done a marvelous job. Good blog for your Gardner cum plumber cum carpenter cum scientist….very nice pics….

  2. Excellent description- flowy language- pictures organised systematically — on the whole a Paradise well-maintained

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